Thursday, December 29, 2022

An ant that eats a tiger that scares us! | The audience laughs. . . | Tesfahun kebede

 A tiger that scares us, an ant that eats us 😂 ! | The audience laughs. . . | tsfahun kebede|frash adash

When the teacher was disturbed by the students, "Students, you are tomorrow You are taking over the country," said the students in one voice. "We will not take over They said.. The teacher was shocked and asked why you didn't hand it over? "We will not hand over without an audit." After all, it is their reality, what is the capacity of the future generation Your wickedness that will take over your eternal path In what measure will you receive injustice, because you have been thrown by a talented person You must identify the wine that is served to you.

Ethiopian Airlines Group has announced that Africa's unified air transportation will be implemented and will be of great importance to expand continental destinations. It is to be remembered that 17 countries, including Ethiopia, reached an agreement in October 2015 to start a unified African air transport market on a trial basis.

It is known that African countries' airlines can operate their continental flights without restrictions. The Chief Executive Officer of Ethiopian Airlines Group told ESA that the unified air transport of Africa will be of vital importance to expand the reach of Ethiopian Airlines.

He said that it will create a wide market opportunity, especially in the air transport and aviation sector, and will create a favorable environment for expanding the number of flights and routes in Africa. He pointed out that the functionality of the African continental free trade zone combined with the effectiveness of air transport will create a wide market opportunity for the airline.

Africa's unified air transport will allow flying between countries without any traffic restrictions in the air transport sector, said Mesfen. He reminded that there are some countries in the continent that do not grant flight permits, and said that single transport would be a typical solution to solve such problems. It is known that Ethiopian Airlines is in the process of buying 39 new planes.

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